Global Cosmetics Cluster – Europe (
Quotation «Clusters’ training sessions»

Cosmetic Valley opens a quotation to subcontract consultancy in the framework of the Global Cosmetics Cluster – Europe project. We are looking for an company capable to provide trainingsessions to clusters’ staff on the following topic:
How to organize full digital events and/or hybrid events with high impact on companies’ business and innovation development?

The training sessions aim at improving the capacities of the staff of GCC.Eu clusters and their strategic partners. In the actual context, we, as clusters, have to adapt our way to support SMEs in their business and innovation development worldwide. For more than a year, it is impossible to organize any travel or mission abroad. Despite the situation, we went on and kept organizing activities to help our companies: Webinars have flourished to bring them content , virtual events have been organized to maintain connections between people… Digital can make attendance accessible to a wider audience but is the impact as strong as physical? Clusters staff are not expert in those news ways of virtual events mixing contents, business matchmaking, etc… By improving their capacities, the partnering clusters will increase their services towards the SMEs and the impact will be multiplied.

Objectives of the consultancy work to be developed
To organize one day or several training sessions (2 or 3 hours) dedicated to clusters’ staff on “How to organize full digital events and/or hybrid events with high impact on companies’ business and innovation development ?”, giving tips and best practices on:
• How to make it a successful event?
• How to encourage engagement of participants? What kind of experience should we deliver
to participant? What kind of component works the best in hybrid event?
• How to mix physical and digital events?
• How to take advantage of existing tools? Which ones? Any reasons to develop specific

• How to set expectation for both hybrid and virtual event?

• How to specify the profile of attendees?

• How to reach wider audience to make the impact of the event more efficient?

• What are the core elements to prepare virtual events?
• How to involve participants before the event, to prepare it, to schedule meetings… to be
the most impactful for them? And to make them satisfied of the event.
• How to evaluate the real impact afterwards? Monitoring evaluation tools

The offer has to be all costs included. The maximum value accepted for the offer is 1500 € for the training session.
▪ Economical offers cannot be below a reasonable cost for a similar work. Any offer that could be considered unsustainable will be rejected. Unsustainable offer is that one with
20% lower than maximum budget proposed.
▪ The proposal has to be written in English to be evaluated.
▪ The maximum length for the full proposal is 5 pages.
▪ Evaluation criteria: as the responsible for this GCC.Eu task, Cosmetic Valley will select the proper expert based on the “best value for money” principle
▪ The consultant must:

  • Be an expert in the organization of digital and hybrid activities, events…
  • Source of proposals on methodologies, good practices and tools allowing clusters
    to strengthen the impact of their events
    The proposal must be sent by email to Ségolène LELOUTRE ( with the subject “ Tender-Training digital” before June 30th, 2021.