After the forced stop due to the pandemic, the Gcc.Eu project goes abroad by organizing a mission to Dubai on the occasion of the cosmetics fair Beauty World Middle East, the most important trade fair for perfumery and cosmetics in the Middle East and the 3rd in the world in its field. In 2019, more than 1,800 exhibitors from 68 countries welcomed more than 44,200 visitors from 138 countries. Durante la permanenza sarà possibile anche visitare Expo2020 (190 country pavilions, 60 daily shows…)

All companies associated with the cluster partners of the project funded by the European Union can participate in the mission, which will last from 2 to 6 October 2021.

Dubai is a privileged center of exchanges between the countries of the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and Africa. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar offer very promising development opportunities, but also countries like Egypt and Lebanon.

This mission is co-organised with Export Pulse (with the support of their local office in Dubai, TTE Gulf). With 25 years of expertise in Middle East Area, the team will support you in preparing your mission from now in France & locally in Dubai.

Support Program

  • Scoping meetings with the company in order to understand its offer on the market and its needs.
  • An upstream questionnaire in order to carry out a rapid diagnosis of the company.
  • Adaptation according to the maturity of the business.
  • Intercultural webinar to raise awareness of the aspect of diversity and to learn how to make business there on September 14th (2 pm – CET)
  • Organizing targeted meetings linked to the ecosystem in a 360 mode (suppliers, buyers, end customers, prescribers).
  • Logistics support with private driver in Dubai for BtoB meetings

More details and costs are avaible at the national reference clusters.