The Global Cosmetics Cluster-Europe project funded by the European Union has activated the coaching-mentoring service dedicated to companies in the cosmetic sector that intend to grow abroad and benefit from the acceleration program dedicated to internationalization towards 5 target markets: USA, Mexico, India, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates.
Each cluster partner of the Gcceu program has selected experts to dedicate to this personalized support activity of the support SMEs: the right coaching can be the key to their growth.
The selected coaches will help the beneficiaries to progress in the internationalization process.
The activity concerns three specific areas:
• Business development: focused on the identification, analysis and evaluation of potential opportunities, definition of business segments and development of an effective marketing mix, commercial agreements;
• Organization: aimed at mobilizing the resources of SMEs to ensure the efficiency and performance of the business organization, the digital transformation for internationalization;
• Cooperation: to support SMEs in the design and implementation of partnerships based on innovation and project consortia.
For more information, you can contact your reference cluster.
Cosmetic Valley (France)
Polo della Cosmesi (Italy)
AEBB (Portugal)
Beauty Cluster Barcelona (Spain)
IKMIB – Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters Association (Turkey)
Transilvanialifestyle Cluster (Romania).
The program is intended for SMEs in the cosmetic sector who are members of one of the partner clusters of the Gcc-Eu program
If you are not associated, you can contact the clusters and find out how to join the network!