In the frame of the Global Cosmetics Cluster-Europe project, the second mission abroad is about to be organized and it will have Las Vegas as its destination. Actually, USA is one of the five target countries of the acceleration program aimed at the internationalization of SMEs in the cosmetic sector and co-funded by the COSME program of the European Union.
When: from 11 to 14 July 2022 in occasion of the Cosmoprof – Las Vegas exhibition
Program: visits to the fair, BtoB meetings, networking moments. The detailed mission schedule will be made available in the coming weeks.
Who is it for: to all Smes member of one of the project’s six cluster partners (Aebb Pourtugal, Beauty Cluster Barcelona, Cosmetic Valley, Ikmib Turkey, Polo della Cosmetics, Transilvania Lifestyle).
For more information, you can contact your reference cluster.
Cosmetic Valley (France)
Polo della Cosmesi (Italy)
AEBB (Portugal)
Beauty Cluster Barcelona (Spain)
IKMIB – Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters Association (Turkey)
Transilvanialifestyle Cluster (Romania).
The program is intended for SMEs in the cosmetic sector who are members of one of the partner clusters of the Gcc-Eu program
If you are not associated, you can contact the clusters and find out how to join the network!